Anyone use monitor speakers for gig?


New member
Sorry if it sounds stupid.. Wonder if anyone use active monitor speakers for jamming? or practise in a small confine area?? If yes, hows the sound compared to bigger PA speakers??

Anyone?? :D
- which active monitor speaker are you referring to?
- how 'small' is the room?
- which bigger PA speakers are you referring to?
Soft, thx for your reply..

- I've no particular brand of active monitor spkrs in mind but some examples are, Tapco, Krk, etc..

- My room is 3m x 3m

- In general, those that u hear in pub, music cafe, etc.. No particular brand in mind..

The reason y i ask is bcoz i feel that monitor spkrs are more like good Hi Fi spkrs, they produce detail but yet "small" sound as compared to those "big full bodied sound" u hear in pub or concert.. Pls correct me if im wrong..

Thats y i need some advise from u guys to help me wif the selection of THE RIGHT ONE for my room. Thx..
Hi i understand that your room size is 3m x 3m. U no need to have a big p.a system becos your room size is not as big as those compare to pub, cafe etc. If u want to use as a jamming(band session), u just need to have an active speaker(freq response best is 30hz to 20k important!!) to produce out the sound. U also have to take note that your band players where to stand becos your room size are quite compact. A big speaker in a small room will not sound good due to reverbration.

Do u use any mixer,amplifier or any processor before your speaker? Your p.a sysem might mean included those mixer,EQ processor,amplifier plus passive speaker is it?

Hope i can answer your questions. ;)

for 3m x 3m, you should worry about being too loud (hurting your ears).

the only instrument that need to go through the PA is vocals and keyboard. i presume your guitars and bass have their own amplifiers? should find ways to soften your drums too.

monitor speakers are meant for critical listening, they are supposed to have a flat frequency response. on the other hand, speakers that are used in pub or disco are usually EQualized to give more 'happening' sound.

you can check out and see which fits your budget.
hi shawn040 ad soft,

I already have a soundcraft E8 mixer wif TC Electronic M1 XL reverb unit. So now i need either (passive spkr + power amp) or active spkr. Actually, this room will be treated wif echophons to reduce its "liveliness". I only use it wif mainly keyboard and vocal. No drums, bass, etc...

Since monitor spkrs are out of the question for me, what PA spkrs(active or passive) do u recommend with my 1K budget? Actually, im looking at Yamaha Stagepass300 but so far no response from anyone.. Shawn040, do u have any recommendations???

Hi Mark

If u buy the yamaha stagepas300 it will a waste not to use your e8 mixer. E8 mixer is really a very good mixer for home used. Although in the market there are a lot of speaker to differ monitor speakers and passive speaker. If u got a better quality passive speaker, u also need to have a good amplifier to play with it. That will be costly! I will recommend an active speaker or monitor speaker(still can be used as mix o/p as long as the freq response and watt is there) although in the market active speaker will be a bit costly than passive speaker.

Wanna ask u do u got a guitar amp or keyboard amp? If u got anyone of the instrument amp, u can try to plug into the mixer and see how the effect. Last time when i was very budget i used to do that. I tried M8 mixer and use 2 amp(guitar amp + bass amp) with band instruments(guitar,bass,kb,drumset,vocal). The outcome of the sound is good becos the room size is small. Room size is v important. But of course if u r in a bigger room(maybe living room) u can try monitor speaker or active speaker.

Putting your speakers at a centain height also affect the good sound u want. I like to have active speakers to stand at abt 1.5m high with the stand(also depend on room size).

Let say if u dont want to use the E8 mixer,u can try pm600 wharfedale PRO. It consist of a power mixer(5 xlr i/p and pair of rca i/p or 6 line i/p),2 x 100 watt mono speakers,2 x speaker stands and a mic. It cost only 595 for new set. Demo set is 450. Got additional effect in and out for your reverb unit. U can still use e8 mixer to control pm600 as a sub power mixer too. Can sing karaoke too! Quite reasonable price for me. I got the demo set n put into my living room haha. The 2 disadvantages i had are the speakers are mono speaker and a bit big if u put into your room.

Sry if u think my story is too long haha and my poor english. Hope u can understand what i trying to say. :)

Hi shawn,

Really appreciate ur detail reply... Actually, im oso considering monitor spkrs.. But like wat i mentioned in my earlier post, im looking for "big" sound and not those "hi-fi" like sound.. Im skeptical about how "big" a sound can a 8" active monitor spkr produce..

I dun have keyboard or guitar amp.. And i personally dun think i will try connecting my mixer to guitar/ keyboard amp..(No offence though.. :D )

Imo, even wif the Stagepas300, i can still use my E8 mixer thru its monitor out to the i/ps of the yamaha.. My concern now, is the sound quality of this pair of spkrs.

Guess gota go and try out the Yammies... Will post my impression after dat.. :wink:
markztan, what keyboard are you using and how are you hearing them currently?

actually, hi-fi speakers are supposed to sound better than those "Big" PA speakers. But then, we got to compare the same price range product. Cannot compare a $10k PA Speaker to a $200 Hi-Fi Speaker.

Im using Korg Triton LE 76 keys and thru Alesis Nanopiano for piano sound..

1 question, do u consider BMB CS450V as Hi-Fi spkr?? Coz ive been using this "high end" BMB karaoke spkrs(Bot it arnd 500+ few years back) for jamming all this while. Personally, i dont like the sound.. Vocal and keyboard sounded muffled.. Duno izit bcoz of my amp.. Think Pro audio stuff not compatible wif consumer audio products.. Any comments??

I oso tried to amplify my keyboard and vocals thru my good B&W hi-fi spkrs, but oso dun quite like the results.
markztan, when you play a CD through the BMB or B&W, does it sound like 'live' CD? Try to play one that is recorded 'live'.

another reason why you feel that your speakers do not feel 'live' is because of the room size and the volume you are playing. imagine if you go to a concert and they play the speakers at the same level as your room speakers, most proberbly they will not sound 'live' also.

Thx 4 ya response..

When i play "live" cd thru my B&Ws, it is able to produce "life-like" sound but not my BMB.. Imo, B&W are damn good pair of Hi-Fi spkrs.. :D

However, I do agree that room size and playback volume does play a part to achieve those "live" concert/pub feel.. But the cone and horn of PA spkrs probably contribute to that type of sound also.. My 2 cents..