Anyone routs for humbuckers


New member
hihi, i am thinking of turning a telecaster into a H-H, anyone here offers this sort of services, removing chunks of wood for humbucker routes. Thanks!
try the shop opposite g77. i forget the name but its run by the guy that used to own guitar workshop eons ago.
i bought a parker at g77 and when i changed PUs to bare knuckles, they didn't fit. beez sent my gtr to the shop opposite and they routed it for me. v nice job, can barely tell theres been any routing(barely) and the finish wasnt marred at all.cant remember the price but it was around 50 bucks or less? hope this was helpful. :D
Big up to you for wanting a bridge humbucking tele! I want a tele myself and will definitely route the bridge as well. Where did you get your bridge for humbuckers?
Go Guitar Connections... but... no offense, it's kinda un-te;e like to have humbuckers installed at the neck too huh? Bridge, yah, but both?
br o u need to look for new bridge as well..
im routing the pu cavity myself...see how it goes ..

btw any reason why u wanna a hum on the bridge??

or you can sell the tele and get a hum equipt tele..just a thought bro.
kentheman2000 said:
Go Guitar Connections... but... no offense, it's kinda un-te;e like to have humbuckers installed at the neck too huh? Bridge, yah, but both?

My fave tele is the 74 Custom Deluxe, 2 hums =)