Anyone knows how to remove scratches from handphone screen?


New member
Hey, my sister's been upset that her new phone screen got scratched. Heard of this thing called Displex scratch remover, Googled it but can't seem to find it in SIngapore. Anyone who knows how to remove scratches on handphone screens effectively, or know of any products? thanks!
There are many scratch removers available at hardware stores here, eg the novus plastic scratch removal, which I heard is very effective for ipod users.
im not sure about that. but ipod users say they're good.
aiya. change hp casing la. go pasar malam buy those 5 dollars one.
audio said:
Heavenscloud, how old is your sister?

Haha.. she's 25 la. The cover cannot change one. She owns a samsung phone, the black colour slide up slide down one. I ask the hardware shop people, then they tell me cannot can remove. What's worse, it might cause the screen to become blur since those scratch removers are not made for handphone screen.

Don't know if iPod screen removers can work for phone screens.. and ideas anyone? :)