anybody using power conditioner?


New member
hi just curious if i really need a power conditioner in my leetle home studio. i got like several plugs in the room alone and juz wondering whether it would be advisable to get a power conditioner? apart from my com, there's monitors, rack units, guitar amps and fx and mixer etc. so, if anybody could enlighten me on the products/need for a power conditioner! thks!
mostly power conditioners are used to regulate voltage and prevent electricity surges. I can say that in Singapore almost all of the mains are very well constructed and the chance of a voltage surge would be rare indeed as compared to the states and other countries.

However if you have very expensive equipment, spending a few hundred more to protect them would be a wise choice.
I read somewhere that power conditioners are useful in home studio. have you ever experienced a 'click' while recording and thats the same time when your family flicks on a light switch?

I guess it helps in that area.. I could be wrong..
yeah kinda figured that sg mains quite alright so shld be pretty okie. haven't experienced the click thing mentioned so i think shld be okie right? anyways, my eqpt not exp one lah. heh.
thks for the clearing up dudes!

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