Anybody heard that RIA(malay radio station) sound file?


New member
the one that has a ghost whispering in it while the DJ is talking? woot,definitely made my hair stand..

my parents heard it live though..but yeah,anyone else heard it? it's been spread quite hotly through internet at the moment.
its prolly some air movement la. the ghost nth to do..

aenimic: kau dah kene sampuk ngan babi.. :lol:
hahaha aku kener sampuk setan kacang ar...

but it's has been on circulation last night,definitely not air movement...

you want the track? well,if anybody wants it..just PM's freaky...especially at night..and I'm not's not some screamer thing too
SEND IT TO ME!!! :lol:

so stupid of me for not tuning in to last nite's episode.....
kinda fun of scaring myself by hearing all those stories and the sound effects he uses...haha :D

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I think it's real la,coz the DJ fell sick after that..and there were reoccurence the CD rack fell and such...the mic moved...I doubt it's fake..coz you can hear the scared DJ's voice..he became more and more scared..
yeah, I heard it. Sounds real.

Caldecott is a scary place .

Hope the dj will stop the ghost stories thing. sigh. I dont dare to hear RIA at night.

I listen to 987fm for top40 songs :)
damn that's scary.....

he's repeating himself for how many times man.....

beranikn diri seh!!! haha

thanx AEnimic!!!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
was this broadcast last night's one? because about 2 weeks ago, the dj also kena disturbed. he was dead scared too. and all the listeners were smsing him, wishing and praying for his safety. one even told him to go home!! :lol: the dj said if he could, he would have!!
For his job, he is willing to say for the sake of his job. .

Even with lights on, the ghost/spirit can still be there.

Thats scary. Being a radio DJ is tough job too.
i think he's willing to stay for his job and for his pay.... :D
and he brought it upon himself.....and he even said that he's brave enough to stay through the night....
i let my mum hear it and she says that it's fake...haha :D

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: