Any shops in SG sells Gibson Bass?

the one at bras basah or sim drive? if i order need to wait for long for its arrival?
there's a gibson bass at swee lee. the SG looking one. there's only one in the glass room. didn't see the price tho :?
REALLY?! WOW! i am looking for that SG shaped bass, its so beautiful. Where is it at? The sim drive or bras basah complex? Man, i gotta get in there and try out that bass. :lol:
nXa said:
REALLY?! WOW! i am looking for that SG shaped bass, its so beautiful. Where is it at? The sim drive or bras basah complex? Man, i gotta get in there and try out that bass. :lol:

only buy a gibson when you have the cash and you know what you want .. =) ... if you bother to spare 2K or more for a gibson bass ...