Does anione has any job to recommend or offer? looking for part time or weekends jobs... need to get some guitar stuff.... no work no money... help help...
go to those job agencies at International Plaza (Tanjong Pagar) and place your names there.. they usually have jobs for road shows or other ad-hoc stuff
any idea if they will accept for weekends? i dont realli care what kind of work it is... except for fnb for example waiter n stuf coz im clumsy... haha... or does soft has any jobs i can do?? haha hopefully james read this...
arghhh already did... no no maybe james need help with the Soft online shop... haha... delivery or watever... ok ok... i went to jobsdb n jobstreet already...
FnB aint that hard as it seems.I used to think that way but after a while,im used to it.The Canneryhas some vacancies,and im also working for guitar equipment as well.