Any individuals interested to play soccer this sat? 5~7pm


New member
Hi guys,

we are a group of 25-28yrs old bunch that plays futsal (hard court) every sat at MOE CCAB (bukit timah).

But this coming sat, 18th April, we are trying out 11/side soccer for the first time.

Among us though, we still need a couple more to make it 22 at least.

i gotta stress that we are...
--> not seeking any opponent.
--> expect amateur level, fun kick-about, no referee, anyway we wouldnt be resorting to rough play since this is just a trial experiment for us.
--> if anyone (individuals or in twos) is willing to just have a good time, kick around, or half-fit (cause we are pretty much lacking fitness too), you are welcome.

its at a secondary school in the west, 5~7pm. If you are interested, do PM me for further details.

I want!! i'm itching to play. Can play defender or midfielder. Forward ok but not so gd,finishing is 6/10 haha.
hi guys,

i wun have time to check tonight, hence if anyone is interested, welcome to sms me at 97523992 for more info!

tks :)