Any guitar electronics expert here? ( problem wth LED lights


New member
my maple 7 has leds in the fretboard and unfortunately the leds just blinked on and off and it hasnt been able to work again since... not even with new batteries.

was hoping some electronics experts here can view these pictures and help me identify the problem ?


or if this doesnt help... can anyone recomend some electronics gurus to help me fix this in singapore?
your file is 6meg plus. too huge to download for me.

Tell me the details. I'll see if I can guide you along.
erm... ok

i took it out of the box, strap it on. pressed the button and lights came on!!
then it went off. i press the button a few more times.. and it wouldnt work anymore.
put in fresh 9vs and it still didnt work.

snooped around in the wiring but i didnt know what to look for... didnt really move the wires around cus i was afraid they might come off.
ok. this seems a bit difficult for me to understand the whole thing.

Can you email the pictures to me? I'll pm you my email add.
You mean this guitar came with the LEDs preinstalled in the fretboard?? Maybe a weblink could be better.

Have to actually physically check the git before a deduction or remedy could be made. If you are free to pop by my studio, just let me know.
Something like the guitar on the right?


yup... the guitar's builder has reccomended i change the resistor as the wiring seems to be in place... will try that out when i get back to sg. Hope this works man..