So far ive been using my friend's bass to practice so im thinking of getting my own. Ive juz started playing and im wondering if anyone could recommend me any good bass within the $1k-1.5k range. I play k-pop, j-pop, and pop songs~ i also play english indie rock songs by bands like muse, bon jovi etc etc. Since im not really sure on what kind of models and brands of bass i was hoping if anyone could recommend me some and where im able to find it
I was also thinking if it would be wise to get a 5 string bass coz my fren said i have huge hands and i would be more suited to play it. But i only have 1-2months bass experience of playing tabs and learning by books and was wondering if i shld start off with the norm 4 string bass or listen to my frenz advice and juz get the 5 strings~
Plz help a newbie bassist =D
I was also thinking if it would be wise to get a 5 string bass coz my fren said i have huge hands and i would be more suited to play it. But i only have 1-2months bass experience of playing tabs and learning by books and was wondering if i shld start off with the norm 4 string bass or listen to my frenz advice and juz get the 5 strings~
Plz help a newbie bassist =D