Any bands like inflames?

Soilwork and Dark Tranquility.
Since it's melodic death metal, you might want to try band such as Kalmah, Arch Enemy, Dissection, Melechesh, Illnath, just naming a few. :)
hmm..if you're talking about the new in flames i wouldnt say its melodic death metal, it sounds more like thrash?

meh i dunno, thats just me :)
i would call Melechesh black metal though.. Black Dahlia Murder, Hatesphere , At The Gates, Hypocrisy are good to listen to if you're into melodic death..

And its Dark Tranquillity by the way :p
If you like At The Gates, check out The Haunted too. There's also a Japanese melodic death band called Shadow. Female growling vox.