another "first guitar" post. $500-$900 for guitar+amp+etc -pedals


New member
(edited) need help with first amp. under $400.

Whitewashed everything below. (soft needs an function lol)
I'm pretty sure now that I'll be getting myself that Forest (Ltd by ESP)! Thanks people!!!

Ok now for the amp. I have under $400 for the amp. I don't want an amp that will die on me quick & has poor tones like those 15V's. Meanwhile, I don't want one that's too high-end (I want to start off a little simpler)

Under $400, amp that will last for a reasonable period of time.

And I live in a HDB ~

Recommendations are welcome, but I'm more interested in the range of volts for an amp I can get for under $400, and things I should watch out for before buying an amp of that range than specific model names.

thanks <:

Hi soft ~

I made an excessively detailed and draggy which somehow included k-on the anime thread long long ago do u remember me? o:

Today I went down to penin for a short while & I was recommended a few guitars:

Ltd by ESP's: a Forest, a Viper, and an E.C. (personally dislike E.C cos it feels too heavy :l)

Swing: (I *coughs* forgot the model names right after walking out of the shop so I couldn't write 'em down ;^; The model names were like combinations of numbers and alphabets, if this helps.)

One of them was like this: | | [||]
Second like this: [||] | [||]

where | is single coil and [||] humbucker

from SV, before their new stocks came in the afternoon. prices were $400-500? for just a guitar alone.

now for amps:
i need to retain stuff in my brain more *facepalm*

first amp that i was recommended was a marshall, 15V, one of those in the Davis Amplifier Pile, I can't remember the model so-

what I remember was :
# it had a clean, and a "clean2" which is called "crunch" and distortion and *failed to comprehend what guy at shop was saying thereafter*
# this amp had effects like fazer....faser....say: faye-zer
# one row of effects at least 6 knobs i think
# there was a button you could tap twice to "save your settings"
# there was a button you could tap the tempo for the delay.

ehh sorry >_> want to ask for opinions but i forgot the name of the model itself *headpalm*

somebody said something like this not sure what exactly said:
15v amps die easily

second amp, i tried it (kind of) not very interested.

i just want to highlight to see what forum humans have to say:
guy from shop said:
the best I can offer you for your budget is this price range guitar. because quality wise, the next range would be a big jump. (guitar itself was under 350)

...and then end of story because I left penin.

Ok any opinions? ~~ for example:
example opinion from non-existent forum human said:
ok it's very extreme but i think you catch my drift.

budget, refer to post title
guitars tried: Ltd by ESP and Swing
amplifer: 15V marshall with a forgotten model name)

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I presume we're dealing with a girl.

First, before you start asking about the guitars, what sort of genre are you interested to play? Different guitars are built for slightly different purposes

Also, did you check out other shops around that area? Do not forget Music Theme and Zen Guitarwerkz. They too bring in an excellent choice of guitars for the beginners that is affordable

Lastly, out of all the guitars you tried, which did you prefer the best and why?
well, for the LTD's you gave the series, but not the model, so can't really help, and haha i remember your old thread. LOOOOONG one :P
omg yes Marshall MG 15 FX thanks *goes to update earlier post...aiya after i get up tomorrow ba*

1. you have to "deal with" a girl? :/
i didn't think i'll attract such kind of attention, that's not why i put up the sig y'know. hehe.

2. so I'll just list some musicians I listen to, is that ok?
Dir en grey, X Japan, Muse, Guns n Roses, Emilie Autumn, Luna Sea, the Dresden Dolls/WKAP, L`Arc~en-ciel, Miyavi

3. no, because I didn't have the time. maybe going down again next week. but abit kanchiong so see what people wana say about today's "discoveries" first. *whoops*

4. I had two favourites from the day, if i went by eliminiation:
in all I got to touch 3 swings and 3 ESPs,
1 swing and 2 ESPs (viper and EC) don't really like cos quite heavy for me
i like the Swings cos they got that coil...tap? switch? that lever to 'activate' your single coil or your humbucker. If I remember right the ESPs have a lever too but it's different and it....does something else.
but just sound-wise, the viper quite pleasant uh
forest was the first I tried, left quite an impression on me, cannot really describe why
yea i guess that's it so far

pardon me, grammar and logic went to bed alr
forest was the first I tried, left quite an impression on me, cannot really describe why

Get it. A wise friend once told me choosing guitar is like choosing girlfriend. You will know when it's THE ONE.

I think what you felt can be described as LURVE~! So just buy it, then go home and play like nice love songs.

But seriously, if you really feel good with the guitar, get it. Just make sure it doesn't sound like crap to you.
im using the ltd F series! haha. yeah. somehow just got this feeling that its awesome. ahaha. hmm. i would reco the F series. :D but it depends on the models too. :O well for me im particular abt the tone it gives so i do my research and surveys before getting something. eg: the kind of wood that is used and the neck construction, blah blah. you get my point. ahahahaha
its hard explaining all this stuff in a forum, its much better if you have a geetar literate friend who can take time of to explain all the small things to you.
I remember you love replicate. Girl taking o levels then say after O's going to buy guitar. Didnt we advise you on your previous thread on choosing guitar just bring a firnd along who is pro at guitar. SV sells swing guitar which is one of the best quality-price-ratio. Assuming that you are guitar noob I think just start off with something simple eg500-800 range. Yamaha is having a sale as well.

Configuration for pickups ( nice attempt with lines there )
IS called ssh, hsh, hh, s-single coil. h-humbucker
Usually for begineers who dont really know what they want or what sound to achieve, its best you go with the ssh config. CAn get some jazz, blues rock, heavy rock.

Amp. Do not make the mistake that many first timers (iclud myself) make when buying amp. All of us probably started with some shit 15w and got tired of the sound then upgrade in a few months--> waste money. So i would recommend you get a amp with a 12" speaker yea?
Or go to SV again and try sound drive 612

YOu mentioned something about flazer ( flange ) it effects. Try not to get all effects and amp in one cuz it will suck unless you try the vox ad50vt or any of their valvetronix line. Get a good 12" 30-65 watt amp, Get some good effects (stompbox or multi fx ) and your good to go.
1. you have to "deal with" a girl? :/
i didn't think i'll attract such kind of attention, that's not why i put up the sig y'know. hehe.

LOL, I've got nothing against you just because you're a girl, chill! It's just that from the way you write, which was quite eccentric and bouncing with endless energy, I figured that you were a girl. Sorry, didn't see your sig properly, my bad. Relax, I'm not sexist

forest was the first I tried, left quite an impression on me, cannot really describe why

Since this guitar left an impression on you, by all means go out and get it. Choosing such instruments are very personal; if you like it, then by all means go for it. We can only advice you based on OUR preferences, but in the end, it depends on YOUR preference. If it fits the sort of music you like to play and you like the feel of it.
Have a look at all the guitars around Penin and Bras Basah, and whichever guitar still remains as your biggest favourite, go buy it
uh so many comments lazy reply all (lol)

ok. reckon i'll go for the Ltd by ESP Forest then, thanks guys!!!!

(i asked for the model and guy at shop told me it's called forest. pfft. >_>;;)

now just the amp.
So i would recommend you get a amp with a 12" speaker yea?
Try not to get all effects and amp in one cuz it will suck unless you try the vox ad50vt or any of their valvetronix line. Get a good 12" 30-65 watt amp, Get some good effects (stompbox or multi fx ) and your good to go.
30-65V amp, what's the commonly seen price range for them?
I live in HDB btw.
And I'm thinking about getting pedals another time, after I start learning to play cos idk what effects I wana go for yet.

I've heard lots of ppl emphasising on no 15V (or less) amp, so I wanted to hear more talk about amps again.

(revolution: ahahaa i see. no hard feelings there ^_^;;)

another question: are you supposed to haggle prices when buying your gear? or is that breaking some unspoken etiquette rule?
('cos i know some shops - not music shops - like u know, bugis street? they purposely jack up prices a little and you are supposed to haggle for lots of items. )

WAIT! FYAN! are you from...a school that has white shirt, somewhat golden badge and dark blue pants and school socks for uniform.
I've heard lots of ppl emphasising on no 15V (or less) amp, so I wanted to hear more talk about amps again.

Anything under 15 watts usually does not last long, because the tone would not be great. This is especially so when you buy effects pedals. 10Watts (and some extent, 15) amps would not bring out the tone you desire, regardless of how you really tweak your effects.

another question: are you supposed to haggle prices when buying your gear? or is that breaking some unspoken etiquette rule?
('cos i know some shops - not music shops - like u know, bugis street? they purposely jack up prices a little and you are supposed to haggle for lots of items..

You can try your best to haggle, but best is you do some research on international prices before starting to haggle. Of course, you can't strip them of their profits, but at the same time, you can't allow them to rip you off.
Most guitar shops, save for a few, usually set decent prices. So there would be not really much of a necessity to haggle
Good that you chose something you have feelings for! Haha.

I suggest my amp! The Vox VT30 ! $200+ from City Music! (They should give me like commision for all the advertising I've been doing for them. :P)

But really, the staff there are really friendly.

Here's something for you to look at:
Oh and btw, I think I should mention that the magic is in your hands and ears. The guy in the video just knows how to play with the amp to get it to sound good. After like almost a year with my amp, I'm still like trying and finding new tones and fun stuff. Heh.

I really like the amp, but that's just me. Find you own lover. Lol.
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