Amp Heads going straight DI into PA


Hello folks, any Amp Heads out there?

I'm thinking of cutting down on my pedal board and going more through Amp Heads. Meaning I'm going to spending quite a bit on Amp Heads in the NOT so distant future. hehehehehe....

BUT i dont drive. so i have to think abt fitting all my gear into the back of a cab when i travel. fitting an amp cab into the back of a cab.. along with a guitar hardcase or 2.. is quite a lot to ask of the standard back trunk. so i'm thinking i'll just use my amp heads (2 at a go i guess at the most?) and DI them straight into the PA. havent really had the opportunity to try it out yet. JUST thinking about it.

So to those who have put ur amp heads straight into the PA before, lets hear from you. how bad is the tone killage? the good the bad.. blah blah blah..

I don't think you quite get what amp heads are. Either that or I can't understand what you're saying. If you want to cut back on your pedalboard, what on earth does that have to do with getting amps? Do you mean you want to use a more direct-to-amp setup or what? Do you know how insanely heavy an amp head is compared to your pedalboard? Terrible idea if you don't drive.

Plus getting an amp head means that there would need to be a cabinet at your venue too. I think what you're looking for is a DI box to plug straight into the PA, removing the need for an actual amplifier. Why on earth would you need two amp heads, unless you're playing Fort Canning?
agree with the previous post.

your input may be from your pedals to the di box itself, or maybe to a small amp and into the di for the sound tech to control volume levels etc.

are you trying to say you want the tone of your amp head which your pedals cant give?

ohhh speaking of di boxes, do check yours carefully when youre playing. see if the batt can last etc haha.
mine was faulty and i couldnt hear a shit i was playing as my monitor did not detect input.
it was so scary man, playing without getting to hear what you play
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i think if ure thinking of going DI, more likely ull need an amp head with preamp out kinda thing, or just using a preamp cos then u wont need the power section in an amp head. then again heads are kinda outta point cos not everwhere will have cabs. though sometimes with the combos provided at gigs u can unplug the speaker cable and run your head thru the speakers if the impedance matches. or if ure serious about going DI then maybe a modelling system would do better. cos amp heads usually run around the weight class of 20kg and up, even pedals wouldnt really amount to that unless u plan to have a tap dance section.
But a 'amp head' needs to drive a cab right? I can't fathom having a Fender head straight into a DI into house speakers. I guess it could I'm not sure myself but I'm guessing if your bringing amp heads, their tube circuits, and that just won't do to DI it and expect something.

Why not get a PodXT Live Ultra Super Version 3.1 ME98 or whatever. It's a floorboard, amp modeler, DI box and it sounds pretty darn good. You could put it on your lab in a cab ride. Or the Crate lil' head? That drives speakers...

Or a Sansamp Tri.AC?

Lots of money and effort saved in a live, PA only setting.
Palmer PDI-09:

Carl Martin Rock Bug:

Here's my DI board:

I'd look into getting an amp modeller of some sort. No point lugging an entire head there, only to lack the benefit of speakers. Most guitar-specific DI's would provide you with some form of speaker/cabinet emulation.

You could also check out the Tech 21 Character Series, the Custom Tones Ethos, or the H&K Red Box.
Why 2 amp heads? because i can =p

iyah.. donno la, actually was just thinking about the possiblity of it.

but considering that there are so many "ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR FRIGGIN' MIND" replies. i guess it's best to stick the floorboard. for now. lol.
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yeah of course you can get two amp heads. go ahead, get two amp heads then plug them both direct into the house pa. technically, that would work! :twisted:
Most Amp Heads have certain outputs. Which may include:

DI Out: XLR Output to the console/mixer with ground/lift switch. (Post Processed with EQ n Compressor/other efx)
Line Out: 1/4 inch output that can be inserted into a combo amp's 1/4 inch input safely or the D.I box input. (Post Processed with EQ n Compressor/other efx)
Power Out: 1/4 inch outputs to power your cabinets. Not to be inserted into the combo amp's inputs.
Pre-Amp Out: 1/4 inch or XLR output that takes your signal from the pre-amp section before it goes into your amp head's built in processors like EQ and Compressors.

Loop With Blend: Another 1/4 inch output which takes your pre-amp/post signal(depending on manufacturer) and you can run it through your pedal board, and you can control the amount of the altered signal through the front panel of your amp head through a knob. So basically you can blend the sound of your pedalboard chain coming in and mix it with your amp head tone. Comes out as final "mix" through DI/Line Out.
Or you can Y-Chain the output signal of your pedalboard going to console and let the soundman mix your amp head and pedalboard signal on his own together with the mic'ed up speaker cab.
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