American special telecasters


New member
Hi guys, just wondering whether anyone has the above guitar, would love to hear your thoughts
as i am thinking of getting it soon! cheers!:)
let's try to stick to the topic here. based on specs alone, between the AM standard and the AM special, I'll pick the special since I'm most likely going to swap out the pickups for something else.

the 22 fret thing & med jumbo frets are modern features. more versatile in a sense where you can cover more ground.

end of the day, it really depends on your needs. do you want it for a certain sound or do you want it to be your main guitar that can do anything from country to heavy metal?
I have it, the AM special tele.
It's quite versatile honestly, the bridge pickup can sound quite hot.
When i AB-ed it with the AM strat, i couldn't get that hot from the bridge, maybe it's just the strat yea.

I'm loving my tele too, 22 frets and maple neck+fretboard (not sure if one-piece).
It has that bite, you gotta try one to find out.
There's something that should be said about the Am. Special Tele's pickups; the Texas Specials that come stock are not exactly the same as the Custom Shop Texas Specials. Those have staggered pole pieces whereas the ones on the Am. Special are flush.
thanks guys for all the replies, went to try it out today alongside the am standard and the road worn ones. still prefer the am special though. now begs the question, olympic white or sunburst? i was thinking white but i would change the pickgaurd to a paisley one (if i can find it) or the sunburst with a tortoise shell pickgaurd. what do you guys think?
Since you already decided, cosmetics up to you.
I have the sunburst one though, like to see the wood grain.

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