Amanda Tee - New original [Crash]


New member
Hey guys, recorded an original a couple of days back.

Very unsure of the whole adding strings and other stuff onto songs, not exactly very experienced in it. So let me know what you think, especially with that aspect. Too much, too little? Any critique on the song in general would be great too :D

It's called Crash.

I'll only put it up temporarily, for the sake of getting feedback.

Thanks in advance!
i like the song's melody line and the way its different sections vary...
umm... re strings, they sounded sort of artificial against the guitar parts (um i mean, the guitar sounded like a real guitar and the strings didn't sound like real strings). thought maybe the strings could be introduced more subtly at parts (e.g. around 2:15)
(a bit unrelatedly, i really like the way your music is getting better and better over the years; the way it's developing.)
Hmm the Intro is soothing, its like bringing ppl who are listening slowly into the song thats great. Transitions between parts of the song are very natural.

Overall 9 / 10. Bcox some parts of the song the string or the keyboard sounds wierd, thats all

overall great WORK. Getting better Amanda
wow, listed DT as one of your influence.......

The strings on the Crash demo din work for me. WIth your vocal, it is strong enough to stand up with just a simple gtr+vox arrangmment.

your vocal style really reminds me of a friend who was playing with a band I was in ---12 yrs ago :) Back when Sheryl Crow just came into the mainstream.

Great performance on all the tracks.

More please;)

Thanks for hte comments so far, guy! :)

claire: Amusingly enough, I thought the total opposite with the 'real-ness' of the guitars and strings - guess we both have more experience with the other. Hahaha. And yep, will keep the subtle introduction in mind! (thanks about the developing songwriting too - but I think I just tend to filter out what I don't think is good enough. I've more half-songs than I do full, complete songs -_-) (and I still love your songwriting ;))

Junio: Thanks man - will keep working on the keys!

fgl: Hey! Maybe next time ;)

RGX312L: Hahaha DT is awesome, and they do influence me a little... But don't expect me to do all the shredding okay. And thanks for the tip on the song! I'll probably make the strings a little more subtle at parts, cause it adds to the depth of the song imo. Yep!
it loaded halfway before my internet gave me problems, but i was impressed at what i heard, i've listened to your older songs and i think this is such an improvement! :)
Michaelangelo: Thanks! It's really more of a buildup song - I had to restrain myself from adding to much 'extras' till towards the end of it.

fgl: To be honest I'm not all that impressive live - plus it's harder for me to pull off originals than covers when I play. But please feel free to crit my live playing! :)
yeh i saw the u tube vid - u sound an dpay a little like Tanita Tikaram. One day must duet wt u ?? :lol:
hey amanda! Your new song is amazing. You're seriously getting better and better through the years. :)
fgl: Tanita Tikaram? Her voice is quite power eh, but a whole lot lower than mine (i think). Hahaha.

Kaye: Hey there! Thanks lots :)
I like the song. :D

I think there can be more volume contrast - the guitars on the verse/prechorus softer, the chorus louder. You can work a short break on the guitars on that "when I see you smile" part. (it's a bit of a cliche, but what the heck.)

Raymond: I actually put in the little orchestral lead in that part, as the filler. But will consider replacing that with the guitars, or something else! :)

rikki: Thanks loads!
hey were u in roomful of blues last night (Fri nite) table rite up next to the stage?
yep, wah lucky I didnt go up and intro myself as fgl - sure kena weird looks...