Hi, we're an Alternative Rock band called "Where's my Wallet?". We're interested in playing live for gigs and performances to gain more experience and exposure. We have a total of 7 originals and many covers song in our setlist.
Do support us by liking our page at
We have 4 members in our band as follows:
Zac (Guitar + Vocals)
Darren (Guitar + Vocals)
Bryann (Bass)
Shak (Drums)
Where's My Wallet? is a band based on the gatherings of four different ideas ideas churning out one common voice. We'd rather go big than go home. All of our originals were mostly digitally mixed and produced. They are all rough demos; the finalised versions are more polished and are what we play live.
Many of you may wonder, why such a name?
Well here is the story.
After a typical jamming session, we were sitting in a cafe trying to decide on a band name. After an hour we were still undecided and suddenly, the owner of the jamming studio called our guitarist Darren.
Guess what? He left his wallet in the jamming studio.
There and then, it was decided that our band shall be named Where's My Wallet?
Past Performances:
06 Dec'12 Circle of Fifths @ Prince of Wales
16 Dec'12 Street Jam Christmas Edition @ Cineleisure, Orchard
Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
HP No.: 9366 4140
Do support us by liking our page at
We have 4 members in our band as follows:
Zac (Guitar + Vocals)
Darren (Guitar + Vocals)
Bryann (Bass)
Shak (Drums)
Where's My Wallet? is a band based on the gatherings of four different ideas ideas churning out one common voice. We'd rather go big than go home. All of our originals were mostly digitally mixed and produced. They are all rough demos; the finalised versions are more polished and are what we play live.
Many of you may wonder, why such a name?
Well here is the story.
After a typical jamming session, we were sitting in a cafe trying to decide on a band name. After an hour we were still undecided and suddenly, the owner of the jamming studio called our guitarist Darren.
Guess what? He left his wallet in the jamming studio.
There and then, it was decided that our band shall be named Where's My Wallet?
Past Performances:
06 Dec'12 Circle of Fifths @ Prince of Wales
16 Dec'12 Street Jam Christmas Edition @ Cineleisure, Orchard
Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
HP No.: 9366 4140