Alternative/Pop/Rock/Classic Lead Guitarist Looking For A Band.


New member
Hey Sam here...

im looking for a band to play, have not been jamming for arnd 1yr now..
able to play/learn almost any songs, (except for those screamish type)
during my younger days (14 - 20), i played somthing like maiden, metalica, dragonforce,stratovarious...
then move on kings of leon, journey, gun n roses, oasis, killers, katy perry, bonjovi and somthing u listen in the radio..
been playing guitar since 13... now i guess 10 yrs?
used to play lots of gigs...
now no band as i was the youngest in my band and all my band mate got married n now im juz playing in my room to the tunes of mr paul gib, mr yngwie, mr slash and some other..
if u n ur band ar looking for a lead guitar.. do invite me..its been really long since ive step into a jamming studio...

Sam - 96854963/98194466
