Alt rock / Top 40's band looking for a fun keybordist !


New member
Hey there , we finally found our bassist and now the line up is with a drummer , a guitarist and a female vocalist and a bassist. So we looking for a keyboardist to include in the line up cause we wanna play more top 40's / current mainstream songs/ bands like coldplay , katy perry , the script , taylor swift and lots more. Preferred if the keyboardist can play a guitars as some songs need 2 guitars and some need keys so we can interchange.

Currently we covering bands like pink , katy perry , paramore , hey monday and train.

So if you keyboardist/ guitarist or just keyboardist do hit me up with pm..

Peace !
Guilty: Fun keyboardist :)

Hi there HeySoulSister

Was just band hunting and came across your post. I've already played in a bunch of bands and stuff but looking to settle nicely with one (that hopefully has ambitions). Gigs and good technical standard. Fun of course - it's not music without fun :)

I've gigged in jazz and blues, pop and rock. I like that you're not looking to do mandopop (I hope) cos while I could do that, I'm not a big fan.

Let me know