Hi all, we hope you can join us this Saturday with 7 DJs in 'SurroundSound'.
'All Back To Mine' is a monthly gig where we music aficionados showcase our diverse music collection; a no-holds-barred eclectic selection for your aural pleasure. The concept is simple: roundup your mates, grab a few drinks and slouch comfortably as we indulgently playout y(our) favourite records. Make this your post-dinner or pre-clubbing get-together, now it's all sorted...
'All Back To Mine' Session 5: All Mixed Up this Saturday (May 6th) 8pm til late
Special guests this month: Cherry (PopMyCherry), Daryl Ho (Make), Desmond + Amanda (Electrico), KT (www.post.fm) & Leon C.
An event organised by Daniel of UNIT and hosted by Cafe Cosmo.
CAFE COSMO :: 47 Amoy Street Singapore 069873