All about Genres


New member
Hey all, I'm just it best for a band to stick mainly to one genre?
Cause some bands prefer to be versatile while others are strictly a one genre band.. Hmmm.., i don't know.. I need your opinion on this one...
Hey all, I'm just it best for a band to stick mainly to one genre?
Cause some bands prefer to be versatile while others are strictly a one genre band.. Hmmm.., i don't know.. I need your opinion on this one...

It actually kinda depends.
Some bands, the reason why they change is because they want to try something new. They probably grew out of the genre that they used to play, hence the change of direction.
But today, music isn't just music. It's also all about the money, and being popular.
We've seen many bands change their direction of music to appeal the current audience just to have a huge fanbase and also earn quick money.

Just listen to old Underoath, when they were a death metal band.
my opinion... play whatever makes you high. at the end of the day, if you are able to listen to your music without cringing or getting negative thoughts, then you are on the right path my friend!

genre changing is always welcomed, but if you have your own style, no matter how you change your genre, there will always be something familiar about your music that people can identify you from, be it your vocals, or the way you write your music...

you should play a variety of genres and find what type of music gets your band grooving. and also, when you play different genres of music, you pick up certain traits/techniques. and then you can inculcate these traits/techniques into your originals to give them a special touch

Yeah i it local, regional or international bands, they tend to change direction of music a few albums you said maybe its money or fame that change them..but the thing is they all started out with one genre then slowly they move out of it and became another genre..take underoath for example, do you like the kinda of stuff they're playing now...?
I did try to get inito their stuff, sadly, i find the screams alittle irritating
They did get rave reviews when they were a metal band, though, then, hardly anyone heard of them
I gave a listen, and though it wasn't exactly a good death metal band, i'll listen to it ahead of their music today.

All That Remains... Sadly, i didn't like Overcome, their latest album. What's not there is this energy that keeps you wanting to listen to more of them. I've been against metalcore, but the unique thing about ATR is probably how they are influenced by Killswitch and various Melodic Death metal bands, and not influenced by today's Metalcore scene... Phil Labonte did well in Shadows Fall, as well as ATR, but not the new album... He can't sing for nuts..

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