Album covers, band Logos and stuff


New member

I'm a graphic designer and i've pretty much started this freelance design group called Retinal Designs. We do stuff like album covers and band logos and probly various other design-related stuff catering to you bands out there!!

Since were still trying to build up our portfolio at the moment so technically........we'll be doing this for free! ;)

For more info and examples visit our website -------->

pm me if your interested or email us at

Edit: Hey Guys thanks for all your support! We got a LOT of replies and we've pretty much started some of the projects already!

Anyways we're gonna close our "submission status" for now until we've pretty much finished most of our projects.

I'll keep you guys updated!!

I'm interested

yeah,as the title of the PM suggests :D

band's myspace is in my sig
my myspace is in my sig too..

well,just try to make something first la..and I see then if it doesn't appeal,I'll just guide you along? or do you want me to tell you what I want first?

and thanks for putting an offer like that up! :D
yo AEnimic, wanna let me have a try at the logo for ur band too? so u'll have some choices.

edit : ehhh what genre u guys play?

P.S my name's same as ur bassist
Hi Azriel,

For the kind of artwork your company produce, doing it for free doesn't justify the effort you put in.

Pretty awesome stuff dude. You should reward yourself.

You might wanna take a look at Mario Garza's work
It kinda have about the same influences and aesthetics as what you are doing now.

All the best!

here ya go... the empty side spaces are for putting upcoming private gigs and stuff(this isn't a logo, its more of a advertisment/poster)

and the image link is

P.S. i'm only a 12yrold kid mind u!
Aaaaarghghhh my website screwed up!!! Darn banner ads!!
I need to find a good webhost T_T
I'll upload some new stuff once i get this darn website thingy fixed!!

Well anyways no more freebies for u guys, I need to feed myself!!
Dont let the cash intimidate u! i've been accused for undercharging my clients!! XD

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