You do what you want to do... you can say your tone... your music whatever ...
It doesn't really matter to you, inflate your ego all you want. Think you are guitar god or watever.... but don't say your tone... when all I hear is goddamn crackling Primary 6 strumming his jangle.
Must be humble, and must have respect for others who are so much better than you. In a place like this, you can do all you want too. But quite honestly, this is probably the best feedback anyone in here has ever given to you.
Nobody cares what you do.. really. Unless its really different, special and something they could relate to (conformity). But to say that on your video ... MY TONE... that made me nauseated for 15 minutes.
Look around, open your eyes. Don't just play in your room and think you are Guitar God. Go out meet people. Smile say hi. Maybe more people will like you . And you should thank me. I have created an opportunity for your music to be heard....
You have a pleasant Sunday too.. Keep finding, cos your tone sounds awful.