** air guitar contest - thank you all! **


New member
hey i'm sure some of you remember me. for those who don't know, i actually joined an air guitar contest hosted by catalog magazine for a chance to bag a gibson sg zoot suit, so i posted on soft the details and how you softies could help me.

after 1 month of of desperately asking people, posting on various forums, asking random strangers, monitoring and sleepless nights, i finally won it! all the effort was worth it!

so i just wanna thank you people here who took the time to actually read my post and helped vote, from the bottom of my heart, i really appreciate the effort! without you guys, i might not have won.

so i'm just gonna show some pictures and once again, i thank you from the bottom of my heart! it really means a lot to me.


Nice guitar. Lucky dude.

hey thanks dude. i remember your nick hah appreciate the effort man. i just saw the replies on my previous thread and i didn't know people were so negative and all. i had to wait 1 week to collect the guitar and had the intention to post up pictures to thank you all.

oh well thanks anyways bro!
Congrats. That's a cool looking guitar.

Now...to show your appreciation, you will have to share your Jim Beam and other booze with those who voted for you! :mrgreen:
omg!? I SAW U TODAY AT NYP!!!!
confirm its u.....
ur headband and ur long hair!!!!

congrats ah bro!!!!
hope u got join NYP JAM!!!!!
and USE TAT GIBSON SG!!!!!!!!!!
hah thank you all man! yeah looks like a lollipop aye.

hahah the jim beam just happened to be there haha oh well.

thanks all!
Congrats! At least now we know that they really do give out guitars when they say they're going to. There are a couple of lucky draw scams out there, so i'm glad this isn't one of them! Nonetheless, enjoy your guitar. You owe us! Just kidding : )
Whoa, very jealous of you :mad: But you won it fair alright, enjoy it and maybe do post a review of it too! :mrgreen:
@kerplunk: hah yeah man! i'm glad it wasn't a scam. i guess you can trust catalog magazine. check them out at time to time, they do have a lot of contests. hah yeah thanks a lot man!

@superpotato: hah thanks man. oh what did it say? i heard the standard sg is much better?

@xfigox: hahah thanks man reason i'm posting here is to thank you all. yeah will do will do. thanks once again!
confirm its u..
i was walking to sch..
and ur leaving sch...
ur listening and looking at ur ipod or wadever..

btw u got join NYP jam?

ooh i see i see, yeah then i guess that's me. ha come say hi the next time you see me la.

oh nope, what's that?