"Advise on first purchase"


New member
Hi all,
I'm a beginner and had pick-up a new hobby of playing guitar. Had been using my friends guitar for quite sometime so thought it's time for me to get my own.

My budget would be around "200-300" (don't really mind paying more if can get a decent acoustic guitar to aid my start on guitar playing) & hopefully can get a "solid-top" as recommended by friends.

I've been to places to test out guitars and pretty much like Yamaha's FG700S & Epiphone's AJ220S.

Was hoping you guys can give some advise As it's my first purchase.

Many thanks~!
My first guitar was like a damn cheap TGM acoustic sia.

Action damn high, very hard to play. However, it was indeed a good practice for me as switching to other guitars was never any easier after playing something so hard for 1 year.

In fact, its the red one in my DP>
i believe you all should just use the search button, there are many posts out there with views, advice and even reviews answered by many members.