Advice on playing Lead with a Slide...


New member
Just what the topic headline said.

Im still noob-ish with playing lead licks with a slide.

Or maybe someone can give me some tips?



hey man, the trick to slide playing is knowing how to prevent the unneccessary notes or bum sounds from happening... since everybody uses a different finger to hold the slide, and on top of that different materials (brass, aluminium, glass, chrome, ceramics etc), the materials affect you according to what slide sounds you want.

But general practise is to use either the pinky, ring or middle finger to hold the slide, whilst the fore-finger mutes the strings behind the slide, this allows one to mute which ever string you don't wish to sound.

Oh yes, FYI this slide technique is more tricky with low-action set-ups.
Oh cheers dude. I got a medium-action set up. But cheers. I'll try the: muting other half of the strings with fore finger. But yes I do use middle finger to hold it since its more comfortable. But I dont think the size is comfortable for me.

Would you advise me to get short slide. Mine I think is normal length.

I tend to prefer a large long glass one with thick walls because the glass has a nice biting sound, and the thicker walls mean a little more sustain. However, I'm also having loads of fun with my own machine-lathed aluminium one which I made myself 4 years ago... :twisted: