Advice on Guitars


New member
Hey guys, I've been playing an acoustic guitar for quite some time, and I want to get an electric guitar.
So can you guys please recommend some?

I had a hard time choosing between a epiphone les paul and a fender both guitars have very nice and unique tones. But I think I'll go for the les paul.

If so, which les paul copy would you recommend? Because I read (from a lot of sources) that other brands of guitars are much more worth for their price (ie. Agile, Edward etc).

I also would like a recommendation for an amp...preferably some a 1x12 combo amp.

My budget is around $1000 (I prefer buying a better guitar instead of constantly upgrading)

i've not tried agile and edwards, but i've heard they are pretty good for the money. Personally, I would not go for an epiphone as the quality check is not that good, but that being said, if you try the guitar personally and like it (sound and playability) then its okay.

I've only tried the guitars at swee lee, like gibson les paul tribute ($1250), fender thinlines ($1150) and jacksons, and i like them. I would also recommend the PRS SE Line which go around ~$1000. I would choose a good epiphone over a bad gibson though.

This must be said - the type of guitar you should buy is the one that fits the music you want to play. So if you like music from a band and the guitarists plays a les paul, you can get a les paul to get the same sound. I hope someone else can help you with amps.
Thanks for the help!

However, what I meant was a guitar + amp for about $1000...sorry if I was a little misleading....

Also, I know that the guitar has to fit the music I want to play...which is precisely why I'm rather undecided...I like guitarists like Eric Clapton and Jimmy Paige, which have very different tones. And from what I've heard, strats are far more I'm really not sure >.>

Btw, has anyone tried Agile or Edward guitars? Or know any shops that sell them for reasonable prices? I don't think SV or Swee Lee sells them right?

Also, what do you guys think about the Fender Mustang amp series? Isit worth the money?
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I own both agile and Edwards. Both are different cat. Quality wise reassured its very good. Worth the money compared to other popular brands.Edwards you gotta go Davis wherelse for agile you gotta buy online else look for a 2nd hand one on the soft market which I am selling one also hehe.
Also, what do you guys think about the Fender Mustang amp series? Isit worth the money?

The Mustangs are modelling amps - they can mimic other amp sounds and come with some effects. Some people have reported some noise issues with them, but I don't have any problems with my Mustang Mini.

They can put out quite a lot of different sounds for a reasonable price, so it's quite nice for a beginner, I think. One thing I really like about them is the presence of a master volume control, which many amps lack, for some reason. They link up to your computer with bundled Fender software, which is also nice. You can download artist pre-sets, etc. and can adjust settings/do recordings easily.

You should also check out the G-DEC series of Fender amps if you like the idea of modelling amps.
Thanks Damian and Godsmen for the great help. I think I'll check out the Mustang and G-DEC series fender amps.

Well other LP copies are too pricey (>$900), and rondomusic does ship to Singapore but is not covered by the I think I'll pass on these choices.

What about City Music's Craftsman? There much more affordable and I even may be able to buy both a Stratocaster and and a Les Paul copy + the amp for under my budget. So what are your thoughts on these guitars? And how do they compare to Epiphone LP Standard and Fender MIM Stratocaster?

Craftsman GS200
Craftsman GS400
Craftsman ST40

Those that own a craftsman guitar please do voice your opinions...
Of course, I'll be heading down to try out the guitars but I would like to hear about your guys thoughts on the guitars.
Last week i tried a brand called Rally in sv guitars i think. It's a shop at the basement of penin. It is essentially a gibson lespaul copy just without the brand name gibson.

Construction is very solid and feels great, even better than my epiphone LP. The paint job is very well done, and without the brand name rally i would have felt it cost 4 digits from the looks and feel. I liked the feel, the stock pickups are awesome and it cost less than epiphone.

Price? 350 SGD
It's a steal. I may consider drop by this weekend and get one for myself and sell my Epi LP.

People may disagree with me, but again guitar is very personal. Don't let the price nor brand blind you.
Last week i tried a brand called Rally in sv guitars i think. It's a shop at the basement of penin. It is essentially a gibson lespaul copy just without the brand name gibson.

Construction is very solid and feels great, even better than my epiphone LP. The paint job is very well done, and without the brand name rally i would have felt it cost 4 digits from the looks and feel. I liked the feel, the stock pickups are awesome and it cost less than epiphone.

Price? 350 SGD
It's a steal. I may consider drop by this weekend and get one for myself and sell my Epi LP.

People may disagree with me, but again guitar is very personal. Don't let the price nor brand blind you.

Get the GL-300, upgrade the pickups if you deem fit and ya ready to rock :)