Advice on Effects Chain


New member
Hello everyone. I'll like to get some advice on tone and my effects chain. At the moment i've set up my chain like this
Jim Dunlop 535Q wah pedal-->Boss DS-2-->Sansamp GT2-->Boss DD-3.
Initially i tried with the DS-2 after Sansamp GT2 however, it seemed to cancel out whatever tube sound i achieved through GT2 once it was on. I've got a FV-50H right now.. but i'm not sure where to place it as well! (plus i feel its quite tone sucking...)

Right now i've a problem cos i get a buzzing sound which is pretty significant (especially at the higher levels of drive) when i set the GT2 to the California and British setting(even on clean channel). Any advice on how to reduce or to get rid of it totally?

Also perhaps somebody could give me advice on the chain cos i play both lead and rhythm, clean and heavy so i need a pretty flexible effects chain! (think jazzy rhythm wah sound to korn, clean lead to tom morello!) Any advice would be great! Thanks a lot!
Perhaps the settings on your ds2 could be the problem. Is it set to standard distortion or set as a booster as asked by penguin?
its more of a distortion i guess when i need it for rhythm and a boost for soloing as well.. i hoped i provided the right information cos i'm not sure exactly what is meant by a boost. for settings... i set my ds2 at a 3 o clock position for both tone and drive and 12 o clock for level. Thanks so far for all the replies!
Maybe you could consider setting the ds2 to boost settings. For example, low gain, high level, or the other way round. Because what i think is happening is that your gt2 is already producing the drive, and your distortion with such settings might be dirtying the tone. Why don't you just give it a shot? Let us know if it works :)
hi guys... i need some advice on efx placement.

i got a wah ,
ds-1(dist) ,
route 66(OD / compressor) ,
H20( delay / chorus )
and a tuner..
in which order should i hook these up?

Chorus can come between R66 and DS-1 or before these 2

The wah can be first like what many guitarist put it. If not, can also be after the DS1 or in between R66 and DS-1.

Usually when connecting pedals, although there is certain way to connect(no right or wrong). But most of the time, it will depend on the guitar player on what they want. Whether do they want to chorus the distortion or distort the chorus, or delay the overdrive or overdrive the delay etc.

Each will sound differently and ultimately, it will be up to the guitar player to listen to the tone and decide, what is the best combination that do it for them, imho
hmmm i see ok.. usually my wah is first. then my r66 then my ds1 .. im using my r66 for my rythm sounds... the comp is always on. and my ds-1 is for leads.. but when i kick in my ds-1.. it doesnt seem to boost the signal up.. instead just seems to weaken my sound. my gain is usually at 12o'clock. anyone got same problem with their ds-1?
ChanMin said:
hmmm i see ok.. usually my wah is first. then my r66 then my ds1 .. im using my r66 for my rythm sounds... the comp is always on. and my ds-1 is for leads.. but when i kick in my ds-1.. it doesnt seem to boost the signal up.. instead just seems to weaken my sound. my gain is usually at 12o'clock. anyone got same problem with their ds-1?

i do.... i understand wat u mean...
ChanMin said:
hmmm i see ok.. usually my wah is first. then my r66 then my ds1 .. im using my r66 for my rythm sounds... the comp is always on. and my ds-1 is for leads.. but when i kick in my ds-1.. it doesnt seem to boost the signal up.. instead just seems to weaken my sound. my gain is usually at 12o'clock. anyone got same problem with their ds-1?

i think the reason why the ds1 weakens ur sound is because the comp is on? try leaving it off and see whether the ds1 boosts ur signal.