Acoustic Guitar to PA System?


New member
Hi guys!! Absolute noob at sounds here so i am quite confused about technical stuff! haha. Hope you guys can help me!

Basically i want to connect my acoustic-electric guitar with preamp to my schools stage, which only has XLR inputs available. How can i do this other than purchasing a DI box? If not, what kind of DI box should i get? Would using adapters and cables be possible?

Sorry for the relentless questions but i really dont know anything! thanks! haha
Well if you don't want to buy a DI, you could get a 1/4" to XLR converter. I guess that would work. But you might get unwanted noise cos the 1/4" would probably not be grounded.
Or, you could move the mixer to the stage, and plug the 1/4" directly to mixer.
But i'm guessing that would be too much of a hassle.
DI box wise, i don't really have a suggestion.
Hope this helps lol.
I urge you to use a DI, the 1/4" to XLR cable as tansamuel stated will be a hit or miss. There's also more to a DI than just converting your 1/4" to XLR it takes your signal and steps it down to match the input impedance of XLR, in turn you get better fidelity of your signal.

LR Baggs Para DI is a reliable unit that has a great EQ to dial in your tone and eliminate feedback.
DI Box

Hi, if you wanna get a DI box, a good reliable DI box that is not too expensive and gets the job done is the Behringer ULTRA-G GI100. It is an active DI Box for guitar with speaker simulation . Give you that boost when you need it, the construction is super rugged also. Check with Ranking Sports. It a reliable Di box every acoustic musicians should have - for the just in case situation and to avoid embarrassed predicament.

I'm using Behringer DI-100 and it gets the job done pretty good also, got 2 of them at home for my acoustic gigs. Can sell you want for $50 if you want to, mint, with box, papers and stuffs.

Check out this url for more info -

If you just use a 1/4 inch to an XLR converter, you will get unwanted noise and most probably your sound will be distorted, not the way to go, I've been there and just wanted to share my experience with you.
Di Box

Yup, agreed with smurfpiss, LR Baggs para DI is great, got the eq for you to trim your tone, I used that b4 during one of my gigs, the sound man supplied that to me.. wah lucky.... but that will cost you around close to $300... or so??? If you have a good pre-amp system on your guitar, the Behringer should suffice, but of course, if you have the budget, get the LR Baggs para DI. Really good stuff.