AC Powered Pedals & DC Powered Pedals in the same board


New member
Hey guys, I'm starting to go into stompboxes. I wanna set up a small pedalboard, I've seen Power supplies that can power all your pedals like the DC brick, FuelTank etc...
What I wanna ask is, I have pedals that requires DC power adaptors and some requires AC. So would connecting these pedals to the power brick spoil the pedal. I believe DC brick is Direct current power supply as the name suggests. So is it safe to use it to power the AC pedals? Or vice versa?
T-Rex Fuel Tank Chameleon. 5 dc output + 1 ac output. Reliable + cheaper than Voodoo PP2+.

Nope DC won't work on AC pedal.....however, some pedals, ie, BK Buttler tube driver can be mod to use dc.