about locally made music (why????)


New member
i just noticed something about myself which i don't really like. everytime i attempt to appreciate locally made music, i just lose it halfway through a piece and give up.

i've thought about this for awhile, and i realised it's not because locally made music is bad. it's more because everytime i see something made by a singaporean band or artist, i become unusually critical and extremely fussy.

i get easily turned off by little little things that i find wrong with them, and i just fail to be able to give them fair chances that i should.

however, when it comes to foreign bands and artists, i somehow would become more "lenient" and more open to whatever they throw, even if it's stuff that's simple, uncreative and generally not innovative.

it seems to me that i have a psychological wall when it comes to trying to appreciate locally made music.

anyone else here have the same problem? any advice on how to change myself??? :)
i myself was once like that. Though I appreaciated more local music, after I started writing some stuff myself, and then realised how hard it actually is.

As for your so called psychological wall, its true, there aren't as much local bands that would be interesting enough to listen over and over. To be honest, I don't even get why some local bands are "famous" when they don't deserve to, and reasons range from uncreativity in a song, or theyre just another band with just another song. get what i mean?

Or maybe there is too much of genre-similar bands that have make it big in SG, there is no freshness. I'm not sure, this is just my opinion.
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Rudra is a metal band, and from the looks of it I don't think you listen to metal?

well actually i do. but rudra just gave me the same effect as what i had described above in my opening post. i'm not going to go further because there are some hardcore Rudra fans on here that will flame me over.

i just prefer metal where one song can be clearly distinguished from another. i mean just look at Countdown to Extinction. two songs for example: symphony of destruction and skin o' my teeth. there are very clear distinctions in song skeleton, bass lines, lyrical themes (not that distinct but still significantly different), and riffage. well that's an expression of my personal preferences in music.

my point is: i'm confused. is it because my personal preferences are screwed up or is it because my judgement is always impaired when listening to local artists/bands....
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it's because all local music have a borrowed 'sense' of aesthetic and essentially just a central void layered up with different sounds. which isn't to say that anything foreign is different, just that our perception of foreign bands and hence culture, is subverted by all forms of media and reality. once we can see that for mainstream culture at large, music is only as important as how one perceives it, we will cease to find perception to be meaningful any longer and hopefully will find local music and other forms more endearing to the self. good luck!
Try appreciating Music for Music.

Not bounded by any category.

Not language, country, genre or such.

Appreciate Music for Music.

That's what I do. There's something to learn in everything. :D
Oh well, i can't help you out then my friend :)

acknowledging your problem is the first step. it'll correct itself naturally over time.

i think actually you're right about that! it'll probably correct itself over time.

i'd just like to say a big thank you to bobby and demura for taking the time and effort to share their music with me.

i'll continue in my quest to appreciate our music and maybe even start composing some of my own.

hopefully, i won't end up hating my own compositions. :mrgreen:
Music is music.It doesn't matter where they came from,be it local or foreign.Appreciating someone's work/music is the best compliment.Local bands/musicians do have the quality in their different ways.Everyone is equal and deserve a chance,including you and me bro.All the best to all of us in our musical journey.


well for me, I started appreciating and supporting local music after being in the scene myself. and realising how much i suck and how much more talented local bands there are in singapore. hahaha.

so maybe you can try that. get a band, play some gigs, make some friends with other bands. cause local bands are extremely supportive of each other. cause its really tough maintaining a band in singapore and i applaud all the local bands out there going for what they believe in. maybe from that respect, you will appreciate their efforts more. i dunno, thats for me.

also try going for local shows. when i see a good band, i feel more inclined to listen to them after that then listen to their awesome recordings and then catch them live, cause well, recordings can lie. :)

Mate, look out for The Pinholes man! I saw them live a few times and each time i stayed till the end..fresh new acts they are. Coming from London where there are countless acts every single bloody day, these boys make me tick! haha... take a listen to them mate! its on youtube! :)
the best local hit song that never fail to amuse me would probably be Phua Chu Kang's SARS Rap. It's just irritatingly good.
I alway them local band and artist as amateur, not celebrities. I easy with them. But some band are just making noise.
I stopped listening to local music many years ago.....since Dick Lee sang "Fried Rice Paradise" and Jacintha sang "Mustafa". Don't ask me why. :D

ps. but I still like Tokyo Square's "Within You Remain" for sentimental reason. That was like 1984? Btw, I'm not that old. ;)

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