About Jammin' Studios


New member
Am neither out to open a studio nor to take up an existing one from the market, but am just absolutely curious. How do the monies for jamming studios work? What are rentals like? (I don't suppose anyone owns their own studios, right?) I reckon a decent set of gear should cost in the range of 3 to 5K? Most importantly, what are incomes like? I understand they'd vary based on your gear, your contacts, your marketing, etc. but looking for a ball park figure.. an average or a median.

Does anyone know?
it's a 5 digit investment and 4 digit overheads just so you can earn $2digit per hour per room. and the actual profits depends on your gear/location/marketing/service/regular patron.

most jamming studios operate multitask as a recording (a.k.a beat merchants) , or live shows gigs, or they do other services to keep the place running after the overheads

I don't run a jamming studio so this is just outsider opinion so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.