Aaron - I'm Alright (Neil Zaza Cover)

hehe. thx alot guys! hmm i still think it lacks abit of feel though. hey Ized you're Darrel from tp right?
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haha yeah I am....

nice and sweet man, dint see much mistakes with the cover. wonderfully executed, and well done!
its too soft..and the recording quality of the sound (and video) is poor..

so cant really hear very well to appreciate the cover..but having sed that, decent improv..didnt stray very far from the main "idea"..:D
hehe thx guys. How many hours i practice a day? Usually for an hour. But sometimes i can get stuck on the chair for 2hours. Hmm i only had 1 teacher and he's known by the name of AK. Only had lessons for a few months and i stopped last yr as my teacher was very busy and lessons were inconsistent. Oh and for the video quality.. was using my bro's N95 to take. lol.
Missed the odd note, but nice stuff man! Maybe take a better quality vid next time then more shiok!

I wish you did the sweeps though! :(
hehe. thx man. oh yeah the other version right. hmm dun really have time now but mayb next time when i m free i might try to attempt it. =)

ps: and for the poor quality, would any kind soul sponsor or lend me a good camera! lol. =p
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yo aaron!!! mmm, to be honest, i think u can be better than what u have recorded. basically, i believe u haf already gotten down the parts to this song. but u gotta refine it, ur timing kinda went alil out, and u din hit a few notes... on the feel part, i felt that sometimes u were alil rush? but overall its a good attempt, gotta admit this song takes a while to master, and i am still like practicing it... cant wait for ur next one man. rock on!