A young band will be performing............

hey ho let`s go!!!!!!!

u want more metal..then go to purerock.com........

filled with metalheadz...... :lol: :lol:
penta-tonic said:
put the right stuff in the right forums. theres a 'Gigs' forum for a reason.

and while ure at it might as well take a look at a very good post:

Its KOPITIAM DUDER..Say anything under e sun :lol:

hey dude.. kopitiam anything under the sun not related to those in the subcats..
better know how to argue.. or you will lose..BADLY :twisted:
well the kopi-tiam already states "anything under the sun" so it should b anything under the sun if its nt then i guess...no hope. :lol: Hahah yeah if u want more metal u can go start posting n becoming an OT in pure rock tho the forum is kinda dead.
Im NEW here, give me a break..

come on guys .. im NEW here... so i dnt think im in a wrong place to put up my band who will b performing for the 1ST TIME....
let's not be so harsh to that guy, just inform him of the correct subcat to post in :)

moggie: i believe that's dimebag playing during the solo of Cowboys From Hell in Ozzfest :twisted: