A SURVEY - Help us help you with local music


New member
Hey everyone.

hopefully this is not construed as nonsense for some of you.

I'm doing a little research on my own for upcoming events as well as to aid my particular department, so would greatly appreciate it if everyone could pitch in.

This is NOT a database gathering exercise, so I <u>don't</u> need your name or your phone number. However, if you wish to be added to my list of bands and/or promoters in the local live scene, do let me know (refer to last question)

Feel free to send to non-softies.

send answers to markk@qleisure.com :)


1. Are you a musician
(if you are, state what instrument(s) you play)

2. Rank 3 genres
(no sub-genres like 'metal-core'. e.g.: Accoustic, Rock, Pop) of live music from favorite to least favorite.

3. How much would you pay to see an all-local band live music event?

4. What do you think the government should do to help live music in Singapore?

5. What town (jurong, hougang etc) do you reside in?

6. would you like me to contact you through email for any upcoming live music events OR opportunities to perform?

That's it!
Thank you all for your time!


P.s.: Come to think about it, next time I should just make some kind of spreadsheet to make this easier. Collating surveys is paiiiiiiinful
1. Yes. Guitars

2. Metal/Rock, Indie, Acoustic

3. Well, I paid $20+ for Electrico but $10+ is the average

4. No effective short-term miracle drug by the government is gonna help the live local music scene imo. SOFT is already doing quite a great job. If we need $ from the government, i think its best put into subsidising more good gig organisers.

5. Khatib/Yishun

6. That would be great as it would save me time from sifting through the million and one things on the SOFT foums
I've got about 80 emails so far :)

Keep them coming!

and why the hell are there so many bassists? Haha. Man... I thought bassists were the rarest breed. Seems like they have the most initiative. Alot of people NEED bassists for their bands so I'm connecting a few up

and please dont self-censor and ask me questions like "will I get in trouble if I say this". Please lah, I genuinely want to know what you think, not gestapo your ass. haha :)

got about a hundred entries, but still mostly bassists and the odd guitarist, weird. Some vocalists and drummers inputs please?
hmm... i thought there was this recent problem of shortage of bassist somewhere around here... haha now u know where they are hiding! :twisted:
after this thread was bumped, I got a guitarist and another 2 bassists.

weird man

by the way everyone- will be announcing NEBO Pre-launch shortly
hey bro.. how can like that say.. doesnt mean being in a band cannot fork out some time to do a simple survey right? :roll:
wah lan! Some drummers please!

guys PLEASE help me out here - put "SOFT SURVEY" in your subject when you mail thanks :)

I'm getting some really interesting remarks, do keep them coming :)