A real tube inside my SD-1!! 12AX7 is glowing! other works 2


New member
These are all my previous mods and works, not found in my website coz I don't have an easy access to it, but hope really soon.

DS-1 Flamethrower

Maxon: (is not a mid cut, rather a scoop sound at lower setting

A 12AX7 tube inside, it'd be my standard boss pedals mod. Soon... imagine and sd-1 with tube in it, 2 LEDs, a stomp switch, a toggle switch, a pot or 2 on the side?.....is my mad mod!
And inside a DS-1 as well soon :D


See Stain is a ross clone with a tone!

8 output Stomp supply with dying battery:

Any comments are welcome!
Re: A real tube inside my SD-1!! 12AX7 is glowing! other wor

Very impressive. Not even analogman or Keeley has done it... yet.

Perhaps you can describe the tonal characteristics of the souped up 12ax7 tube in the pedal.

Take it easy.
OK about the sound, more or less as you expect to hear a SD-1 play with a tube amp. I use my small solid state amp and is amazingly tube sound! Not a fake tube sound or a solid state pretend to sound like a tube. This Is just what I expected to hear from this mod and ofcourse I get more drive too and that is good, an extra smooth tube drive. I can also make this to sound like tubescreamer play through a tube amp :)
Gosh liys your pedals look delicious. Its amazing to see someone doing these extraordinary mods.

Are those holes in the "tubed" SD-1 meant for ventilation? Great concept and workmanship!
just wondering... will the modded SD1 be very fragile? like if u stomp the pedal too hard or drop it... will it break? just a thought
hofner said:
what does tube mean?

tube     P   Pronunciation Key  (tb, tyb)

tubes Informal. The fallopian tubes.

To place in or enclose in a tube.

v. intr.
To ride or float on an inflated tube for recreation.
cherubrock said:
Gosh liys your pedals look delicious. Its amazing to see someone doing these extraordinary mods.

Are those holes in the "tubed" SD-1 meant for ventilation? Great concept and workmanship!

Thank you!

just wondering... will the modded SD1 be very fragile? like if u stomp the pedal too hard or drop it... will it break? just a thought

Is like other tube pedals. The tube is protected by the side wall of the housing and no way to touch the tube unless you hit it with a hammer, that you most probably won't even in a grand concert :D And it will have 2 wires around the tube to hold it when held upside down.

what does tube mean?
If I can get you question right, in this case it means giving you the sound that everyone after from overdrives even tubescreamers. It's like this; everyone mod overdrive to tubescreamer including me :) in hopping to get the overdrive to sound like a tubescreamer, we believe or pretend to believe it's the sound real tube screamer. Maxon invented that tubescreamer, to get the TS to sound like a fake tube screamers. Now we're all make Tubescreamers more variant and claim even better sounding of that fake tube amp screamer. And I got to the point where I suddenly got the idea after looking at the battery compartment of the sd and after modding my Bluesbreaker amp to get extra dirty channel but I did not get the tone I wanted. So, I moved from modding amp to sd right away and tested at about 4 or 5 in the morning. And man it's amazing Real Tube Screamer!

Who are you or what r you :D
Must be a tube neck! I want to be one but can't one of those :D
I want one of that hehehe

BTW, anyone can suggest me a JJ/Tesla 12AX7 supplier in sing? I need help and how much do you think is the price a piece?
Thanks a lot!
hofner said:
what does tube mean?

Back in the early days of amp power music (circa 1950s), all amps, including hi-fi amps, use vacuum tubes to power the amps. Later on, in the 60s, the transistor was invented and it replaced the tube in amps.

Tube amps give a much warmer tone and are less harsh, particularly when playing in distortion or overdrive.

Today, we still have tube-powered amps but as they are delicate things, are more expensive to produce and need a bit more maintenance, tube amps cost much more. Tube amps or pre-amps are also popular among audiophiles.

Now in the 21st century, we have microchips to replicate the tube sound, but nothing can replace a true tube amp.

I have an SD-1...one of my favourite EVER pedals....

*respect* to Liys for bringing that pot to 1 higher level.

If only I can hear it.........................:D
Yea Liys.....do post some sound samples of the new SD-1 on your site yeah? we are all eager to hear it.

Is it gonna beat the tone of the HOLY GRAIL?? hee :lol: