A good setup...


Guitar in tune, efx sounds good, backup contingency plans ready...

and most importantly, -nothing- must screw up halfway.

guitars : good setup = good positions of amps...to band n to crowd.no feedback.in tune.

drums : drum mat.all equipment in reach...all in tune...not too much masking tape :lol: spare sticks for reach if any drops. fan for the band...

sounds EQ properly...singer muz have flexibility to move...eg. wireless mics
Setup already, play, enchant the audience... woooo everythings perfect... now wheres the food? NO FOOD>> AHHHH!!!
wah.. for drummer ar.

make sure they have extra set of everything like extra set of pedals, heads, sticks, cymbals. earplugs, volume check for monitor amp and drums, towel, water, all things in place, drums setup is as what drummer requested, tuned properly.. basically all this will make the drummer happy liao. but i prefer to do this myself.. :D
all the guitars are in tune, all the strings are new and rust-free, amp is positioned/mic-ed well with tubes that aren't about to burn out, spare amp as backup just in case they do, fresh batteries in the wireless, extension chords for the pedalboard, good cables, someone on standby to hand me guitars in case i need to do a guitar switch mid-set, stage monitor that i can hear.

and post-gig food. seriously, you need sustenance after a hard night of rocking to the max.
-The presence of a good/friendly soundman :)
-Amps that are miked up
-A adequately-sized stage without much clutter
-Guitar stands!!! (I hate laying my guitar on the stagefloor!!)
-Adequate extension cables (don't like my pedalboard to be in ackward postitions)

...and of course, those basic things like instruments in tuned, being able to hear ourselves, good amps, etc are important :)

Hmmm...just wondering...no equipment company offers wireless for bass/guitars? :lol: I do use one, but would be nice if my bassist has one too *lol*
2 guitar amps...1 standard drum kit maybe with double pedals....1 bass amp...
3 mics...a great crowd....no stage...mosh pits....body surfing

a very good gig
no stage den shiok...can interact with the crowds...the vox can mosh with the crowd...ok la...how abt the stage is about 30cm above grnd...better