A Fire Fight Christmas


New member
Hey all,
The Fire Fight will be playing at Esplanade tomorrow night (24th Dec) CHRISTMAS EVE!! 2 sets from 8onwards. But Hey, why come down at 8 when there's Jon Chan and Jean Low doing a duet at 7pm !!! So See ya there tomorrow for a spanking fun time of singing and dancing to some original tunes and of course Christmas Tunes. SO it's 7 pm onwards.. Come join us and let's all celebrate Christmas together. Party time !!! Till then take care all, stay safe!!! Merry Christmas !!!
Haha I was there as well, albeit for a short while... I must say when Jon Chan played with Jean from GMF the atmosphere was... surreally indescribeable.

Secular Epiphany if you will.

Great work guys.
caught jon and jean's set from gluttons bay and fire fight's set at the back with a plate of chicken wings. :D ejoyed both set just as much. Hehehe.