A cappella group wanted for golf tournament


New member
Hello Soft.sg,

I am part organizing an annual fundraising golf tournament held by a big local government organization. The funds raised will go to the noble cause of supporting members in families in pursuing higher education.

To create a nice ambience for the participants, I am looking for an a cappella group, with at least four members, to perform songs preferably in the genre of pop, R&B, ballads and jazz. We are looking at either 2 or 3 sets, each of around 30 mins to 45 mins. Based on where I know at the moment, the group will be singing in a club house in which the participants will take breaks in between games.

The tournament will be held at Raffles Country Club where a number of rich individuals as well as a minister guest of honor will be present. Thus, this event will expose your talents to wide number of people, some of whom are well established in other places, mostly ones in manufacturing.

The details of the event:
Date: Friday, 6th July 2012
Time: Starts around 12pm
Where: Raffles Country Club

Now about the pay. To be clear, as this is a fund raiser held by a non-profit organization, we are working on a tight budget and thus can't afford to pay a high fees for your services. Nonetheless, compensation will be given by way of transport fees and possibly a free serving of meals. Musical equipment will be set up there. This will be discuss further through email.

If interested, send me an email at donny.lee@duke.edu (preferred) or SMS me at 90010161. I know that the event is a good three months away. Still, I would like to see whether anyone is interested.

An update on the above offer.

We will be shifting to 2 sets of 30 mins of singing. The budget we are working at for the group is under S$1,000.

Contact me at donny.lee@duke.edu (preferred) or SMS me at 90010161 for further discussions.

Bumped again guys.

Budget allocated to music for this fund raising event unfortunately has been drastically cut. We will be sticking to 2 sets of 30 mins of singing.

Contact me at donny.lee@duke.edu (preferred) or SMS me at 90010161 for further discussions.
