Perfect timing! As I've mentioned about a month ago I'm building A/B boxes, true bypass boxes, loop selector pedals, and other signal routing pedals. All to custom specifications.
I've gotten the parts and have already built an A/B for myself, and a true bypass almost ready for sale. For now I have enough parts to build another 8 or so pedals.
The prices start from $70+ for a simple A/B box and slowly works upwards as you add functionality.
As a guide, here's how much the parts cost:
Enclosures: $15 small (111 x 60 x 27)
$20 large (120 x 95 x 30)
Footswitches: $20 each (heavy duty 3pdt)
Jacks: $3 each (Switchcraft)
LEDs: $2 each (Choice of red, green or yellow. Comes with bevels)
Blood and sweat: $30
I can customise it to almost any specifications you want. Where the jacks are placed, where the LEDS (and how many of them) are, where the footswitch is. I can also make combination pedals if you like, for example an A/B in A/B out pedal, a Loop selector with bypass both switch, an A/B with a tuner mute, 2 True bypass pedals in one casing. Just email me your specs and we'll discuss it ya.
The A/B box for myself. I'm using it to select between my tuner and my normal signal chain as I felt that the tuner sucked some of my tone. Also it mutes my guitar from my amp when I'm tuning.
The True bypass box awaiting finishing touch. I'm not sure if I should wire the LED to be ON when bypassed or not bypassed, so if anyone wants to buy it you can tell me.