
New member
Myidarre Reunion Show
Japanese Rock and Visual Kei Spectacular!
9th June @ Gashaus (114 Middle Road)
$5 on the door

From goth, to visual kei.

Following up from the success of the Rei and Friends Japanese Rock extravaganza on May 12, Gashaus presents another show in the same vein (mind the pun) – Myidarre, a colourful and prominent band in the local Japanese scene have reunited this June with the return of their prodigy guitarist Jiro, 15, from studies abroad in Australia. The band will feature a new lineup and several new tracks such as ‘Missing’. The five piece will blend mainstream Japanese rock(J-rock) influences such as Glay, L'ArcenCiel, Janne Da Arc, and Dir en grey, together with the classical Nobuo Uematsu. Myidarre has always aimed to popularize the Visual Kei aesthetic and Japanese-styled music with a unique touch of their own.

Rei (Visual Kei / gothic style Original Japanese Rock!) Featured in I.S and Think Magazine, this Quintet is within the top echelons of Singapore Live Japanese Music.

Le Foret

REI in white is a total taboo!! >.< Shit happens during the last gig when we wore white too LMAO, and these are the results of today's shit.. LOL

1.Rythmn Guitar 4th string snapped on 1st song

2.Rythmn Guitarist Jag Wire tripped out on 2nd song

3.Lead Guitarist Pick split into 2 on 2nd song with no more extra picks in his pocket! Dear lord forgive me!

4.Lead Guitarist Tremolo destroyed tuning of the guitar on 2nd song!

Kudos to all bands who had total bad luck days before!! We totally sucked eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk!! My apologies for putting up a sucky show :(


PS:We'll never wear white anymore till we have no choice... hahah TABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Cya guys on streetfest WITH our BLACK Visual, eeeekkkkkkkk!!
You guys didn't Suck lah!

sometimes unfortunate things happen.

In divine9, I backflipped onto stage and hit the back of my head on a foldback speaker and passed out. The rest of the band had to do one song without me. Luckily enough, I was so full of adrenaline the pain really hit later... I woke up midway through that song. Thankfully everyone thought it was part of an 'act'