5 Superb Distortions made in USA, Japan and Australia

All prices are fair and firm so don't waste my time bargaining with me. Only meet up at my convenience. Will only trade for Goosoniqueworx Seventheaven, Digitech Hardwire Metal USA version, MXR Doubleshot with original 18v adapter, Korg Pandora PX5D, Sansamp Tri AC, Sansamp Original/Classic, Sansamp PSA, and AMT DuHast/Rammstein.

Wampler Triple Wreck (Great condition) $320. Famous pedal from Brian Wampler, handmade in the great USA. Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier in a box.

MI Audio Crunchbox (Great condition) $160. Famous pedal to get you the famous Marshall sound. Made in Australia. Simply superb for the price you pay!

Zoom Tri Metal (Good condition) $150. Discontinued. Super saturated, super heavy sounding. Very hard to find. A must buy for metalheads. Made in Japan.

EHX Metal Muff with Top Boost (Great condition) $130. Versatile, can go from light drive to metal distortion. Cheap, good and famous. Comes with Boost button to boost your sound over the top. Made in USA.

EHX Nano Metal Muff (Great condition) $70. Versatile, can go from light drive to metal distortion. Cheap, good and famous. Small footprint, save space on your pedal board. Made in USA.