!!!!5 Free Passes To Overdrive 06!!!!


New member
Hi guys,

Tickets for Overdrive, 21st Dec 06 @ DXO is available.

You can get the tickets via the following:

Rahmat - 90488957
Junhan - 98272557

or you can visit the website www.dyingtobeheard.com

oya, its $15 (inc 1 drink)

Anyway guys, here're the bands who've made it through to the finals. Please know that we had a really hard time picking these bands, and it was really close between several bands. It's really a shame we can't put everyone on stage, but here's who we've picked:

1. Nightmare Cinema
2. Axis Revolution
3. Resonance
4. Dubious Brothers
5. Halfestride
6. Maskerado
7. Progeria

Keep tabs in this space for more information about the finals!

wah 15 bux sia... last time 12...sheesh.. but im going... since im not participating..haha.. all the best to all the bands!

5 Free Passes TO Overdrive 06!!!!

Hi guys,

We're giving out 5 free tickets to this Thursday's Overdrive 06. The first 5 different users to reply to this thread (include your name, email and contact no) will receive 1 free pass each.

Congratulations to the following peeps:

1. Yana
2. Azlan
3. Chuan
4. Seth
5. J R

For those who'd still like to purchase tickets to Overdrive, you can do so by the following means:

1. visit www.dyingtobeheard.com
2. contact Rahmat @ 90488957 or Junhan @ 98272557


Overdrive 06
hey here're the winners for Overdrive2006

1. Halfestride
2. Dubious Brothers
3. Nightmare Cinema

Thanks to Psychedelic 4 for being their usual best too...