498T pickup sounds very nasal! anything i can do?


New member
The bridge pickup of my les paul sounds very nasal, no matter how i tweak the tone knob. I tried tweaking my amp but it still sounds very dull.

Is there a problem due to the height of my pickup, cos mine is very high pretty close to the strings already.

Also, will orange caps do any good?

Help.. please?
Back it away from the strings?

Could be that the pickup just simply is not to your taste. Which guitar is it in?

Could be the amp as well... or its speaker, emphasizing any perceived spike in the mid range or bass loss.
it's the typical 498 voicing- the reason why i don't like it (personal pref, yes?). in terms of definition (& if you swear by the Gibson brand name), the Burstbuckers fare better.
well.. its on a gibson les paul studio. i've lowered the pickups, not to try to get rid of that nasal sound but because it was too 'hot'.

anyway, you're absolutely right, subversion, that the 498T are like that. they are coiled in such a way they emphasize the mids. however, i've grown to like that sound! hahah i admire jimmy page's style of playing and i also realise that by boosting the mids you will be able to cut through ur band. instead of that scooped sound i once liked that will get drowned out by the band. i even went to the extent of buying an equalizer to cut bass and boost mids when i solo

thanks guys