4-7 4-7 4-7 5-8 5-8 5-8 and Thunderstruck!


New member
Haha just wondering if anyone in this wide forum has tackled and successfully nailed, note for note, that lick from AC/DC's Thunderstruck?

How was it? Any tips?
I read in an interview somewhere that Angus Young taped up all the the strings save for the B when he recorded it.
It's a alternation kinda thing... like


yeah if u know Wasted Years from Iron Maiden you know what i mean.
suppose to play it with just your left hand, tap and pull off kinda thing

well thats how i do it anyway, angus picks sometimes but sometimes he doesnt
AHHHHhahhhhhhh haa THUNDER, AHhhahhhhhhhh THunder!,, I WAS COLD, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIIIGHHHT!!!