11mth Old Sterling Ray 35 for sale!!!


New member
Hi Everyone! I'm selling my 11mths Sterling Ray 35 bought for 1.4K @ $800sg.
Ash Body, maple/rosewood neck, everything is intact except for a few scratches.. It's a good gigging bass have used it for work but my ears are juz used to that fender tone.. It's a Stingray by Musicman copy.. Electronics & hardwares are from musicman USA only the wood is crafted in Indonesia but overall the tone is good.. You could check the reviews Via youtube & hit me back @ this number 83236542 Addif..

I can't post the pic, but It's open for viewing & you could try the bass.. I'll mms you the picture if recieved sms or whatsapp..
Thank You Everyone!

I appreciate the overwhelming respond I hereby declared the cool Bass is SOLD to a Funky Cat! Thank You!