“2009 Twilight Under Velveteen Skies”: A Collaborative Creative Commons music album


New member
This album took about 7 months. I worked with 3 other people who live halfway round the world. Have never met them and probably never will. I only know them by their user names at ccMixter.org. Oh, it didn't cost us any money to put the album together (other than our own computer time and electricity...) The songs can be described as new-age stuff, although there's one rock instrumental track.

Here's the title track (6.6MB): http://www.archive.org/download/2009TwilightUnderVelveteenSkies/01_underTheVelveteenSkies.mp3

If you liked that, check out the rest of the album and also details of how it was put together: http://myrightbrain.wordpress.com/2...ic-album-2009-twilight-under-velveteen-skies/

The album is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Singapore license.
Feel free to share/ remix under the conditions of the license.
