Recent content by mix

  1. M

    Drummer available (7-8 years exp)

    Hi guys, I am looking for a band to play some prog, funk and blues. My influences are Dream theater and James morrison. Not much but really dig their music. I have 7-8 years of experience playing in front of a crowd of 200+ (church setting). I can improvise and technically competent to play...
  2. M

    Drummer available

    25yo drummer with 7 years of experience looking a for a band. Interests: Jason Mraz, John Mayer, dream theatre, blues and pop rock and japanese artists like Mr. children, BENI, Hirai Ken etc. Interested to jam with intermediate to advanced level players. Tel: 92719174
  3. M

    Jpop band looking for bassist and keyboardist.

    Hey guys and gals, Looking to form a band that plays covers for bands like Mr. children. Currently needing a committed bassist and keyboardist. Do PM me if you are interested! Thanks!
  4. M

    traditional grip. -the minority

    hi guys, just wan to do a survey here. i personally use traditional grip. not because it looks cool, but because i've been using it for 3 years ever since i started playing drums. of course, no grip is better then the other. one question for all people who uses traditional grip. is your...
  5. M

    how to get into gig?

    may i know how to get into gigs? is there anyway to contact the organisers? newb here
  6. M

    rudiments or groves?

    rudiments or groves? i realizd many of us are playing groves rather then rudiments when we first started drumming. i guess its not wrong too. rudiments lets you express yourself more freely, it builds your techniques, and most God-like drummers will say they base their solos around rudiments...