Recent content by mervworld

  1. M

    WTS :: boost/overdrive/expression pedals

    Hi there, selling the following pedals :: 1. Fulltone OCD v4 overdrive - $135 2. TS808HW overdrive - $315 3. Emerson Paramount Booster/drive - $225 4. BadgerPlex Preamp - $145 5. Boss FV500H expression pedal - $100 For more details and pics, kindly refer to mervworld on carousell. can deal...
  2. M

    WTS :: Emerson Paramount Overdrive

    Hi! selling my Emerson Paramount Overdrive .Good pedal to have if you are looking for a transparent warm boost. Pedal is in good working condition. do check out Mervworld at for more pictures and details. also do checkout other listings from my collection. Selling @ $250...
  3. M

    WTS :: Strymon Big Sky

    Hi! Good pedal to have if you are looking for 12 great reverb machines in one! Pedal is in good working condition. Selling @ $580. Looking for a cash sale only thanks. Kindly sms/what's app me @ 96177461. pls do not pm. Self pick up @ holland drive, 5 minutes walk from buona vista. feel...
  4. M

    WTS :: Vox Night Train 50W Head

    Hi! Good amp to have for those british creamy clean tones! Selling @ $600. Looking For Cash Sale Only. Kindly sms/what's app @ 96177461. Do not pm thanks. Self pick up @ holland drive, 5 minutes walk from buona vista mrt. feel free to come test out at my place upon purchase. Thanks for...
  5. M

    WTS :: Vemuram Jan Ray

    Hi! Good pedal to have if you are looking for a versatile boost/overdrive pedal (blackface style) with smooth tone! in my opinion one of best around. Pedal is in great working condition. Comes with original box. Selling For $440. Looking For A Cash Sale ONLY. thanks! Self pick up @ holland...
  6. M

    WTS : M80 Mono Case (PedalTrain Pro)

    Hi all! Selling my mono case for the pedal-train pro. It is in mint condition and hardly used. Selling @$180. Self pick up at holland drive, 5 minutes walk from buona vista mrt. Do check out pictures at mervworld on carousell. Also do check out my other boutique listings! Thanks for viewing!
  7. M

    WTS :: James tyler variax JTV-69s with mono M80 case!

    Hi! Selling my james tyler jtv 69s with mono M80 vertigo case (worth $300) and custom variax cable (worth $60). The action is lowered for better playing as well. Guitar is in mint condition and comes with the items included in the original packaging. Selling @ $1100. Self pick up from holland...
  8. M

    WTS :: Yamaha HS50M studio monitors.

    Hi all! selling my Yamaha HS50M studio monitors. They are in mint condition. do checkout mervworld at for photos and more details. Selling @ $360. Self-pick up at holland drive, 5 minutes walk from buona vista mrt. do sms me @ 96177461. Thanks for viewing!
  9. M

    WTS :: Line 6 HD500X + expression pedal

    Hi! selling my Line 6 HD500X unit that comes with an added line 6 expression pedal that you can use for the wahs and other expression controls. connected via a complementary cable. pedal is in mint condition. do check out Mervworld at for more pictures and details. also do checkout...
  10. M

    WTS :: Good overdrive pedals (freethetone, mulholland, amt, expandora)

    Hi all! selling some of my good overdrives from my collection for your usage. 1. Teletronix mulholland drive - $320 2. AMT ss-20 - $420 3. Free The Tone SOV -2 custom - $340 4. vintage bixonic expandora - $320 5. Sansamp gt2 - $140 kindly visit Mervworld at for photos and more...
  11. M

    WTS :: Strymon Mobius

    Hi! selling my strymon mobius. Great for the strymon sound and a one stop solution for effects like choruses, tremolos, filters and modulations. It's in mint condition and do check out mervworld at for photos. Do check out the other listings as ll Selling @ $520. Kindly sms me @...
  12. M

    WTS :: Line 6 X3 pro

    Hi all! selling my Line 6 X3 pro unit which is good as a recording tool. good selection of amps & pre amps. selling for $250. pls sms @ 96177461 if keen. Self pick up @ holland drive. 5 minutes walk from buona vista mrt. Thanks for viewing!
  13. M

    WTS :: pedal clearance! (keeley, sansamp, fulltone, badgerplex, ISP)

    Hi all! letting go of some of my pedals that I've not been using recently. 1. ISP decimator 2 - $140 2. SansAmp Gt2 - $140 3. BBE sonic maximizer - $100 4. Line 6 tremolo - $90 5. Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive - $80 6. FullTone Fat Boost 2 - $100 7. Badgerplex PreAmp - $190 8. Keeley katana Boost...
  14. M

    WTS :: orange micro terror amp (negotiable)

    Hi all! selling an orange micro terror amp with the power adapter. selling for $120 negotiable. Self-pickup @ holland drive. 5 minutes walk from buona vista mrt. pls sms @ 96177461. kindly do not pm. thanks for viewing and a blessed new year!
  15. M

    WTS : M80 Mono Case (PedalTrain Pro) negotiable

    Hi all! am selling a M80 mono case for the pedaltrain pro. In mint condition and hardly used. Selling for $190 negotiable. Self-pick up @ holland drive. 5 minutes walk from buona vista mrt. kindly sms @ 96177461. pls do not pm. thanks for viewing and a blessed new year!