Recent content by mayday

  1. M

    orange amp?

    Hi, I heard a lot of good reviews for orange amps....anyone tried them b4 or know where to test/buy those amps?
  2. M

    where to get flatwound strings

    I heard tt flatwound strings helps give those jazz archtop guitars their distinct sound. So in theory, by putting them in solid bodies u can get a sound closer to those archtops. Personally I havent heard of the difference....anyone tried flatwound strings b4? wats the sound like? And most...
  3. M

    Can we use the pc as a amp? (for home practice)

    I got a yamaha acoustic electric. When I try to plug into the soundcard and play, there is no sound at all, i tried both the line-in and mic-in. However, when i use a mike, it seems to be working ok. I could also use line-in and tune my guitar using audiophonics. It's just that there is no...