
Once upon a time, born a child with a gift that little human posses. the gift of ROCK!! he was born among the metalhead from southern colony of DOOM. he was n still known as AJEN D GREAT.. wakakakaka- otw becoming hardcore programmer retard.. Graphic mumbo jumbo wut not- playin games, watchin people playin it, developin it kinda my things or at least wut i do or tryin to do currently.. hehe- learnin n insyallah keep learnin the way of ASWJ (ahlu sunnah wa al-jamaah) hehe- drawin + animation + vids FX- sleepy n unresponsive n lazy n sewel......- luv listen, watchin, playin music.. guitar + bass + drum + keys.. majorin guitar.. luv playin blues + a bit jazz + a bit funk... bit metal, n of the coz PUNK KEROK!!UIA + UTM + UMS people call me Nazreen, Me Fam n pals call me Ajen, my geng toncet call me BURAGAS.. hehe

Animation, Music Production, Game development, Open GL, Islam, Game engine Sahih Muslim, A Bit of Re
Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia, Malaysia
Creative Audio, Sound Engineer wannabe